Respite by the Sea

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In June 2020, during Victoria’s COVID-19 second wave, Cottage by the Sea put particular focus on opening up our Riptide facility to host families in need of a break from their everyday lives. The first two of many families booked to benefit from this service were referred to us by Justice Connect; an organisation who support people at risk of homelessness. While one week’s holiday with us will not solve all the issues these families face, access to a comfortable space in a beautiful environment can help families reconnect, have some fun and create happy memories.

Accommodation at Riptide is offered free of charge to families referred to us by welfare agencies. We provide food and cleaning so families can relax together. Some of the other agencies who have referred families for respite holidays in 2020/21 include: Bethany Community Support, The Mirabel Foundation, GenU, Salvation Army and Colac Area Health. Each family’s circumstances is different but all of them need some time and space to enjoy being a family together.