A Magic Mindset

Our Stories

Through rock climbing children can learn to cope with fear, stress and develop self-resilience, which is exactly what the Mentor participants learnt from their four-day camp at Mt Arapiles.

These participants showed an abundance of trust, motivation, self-confidence and teamwork to help them achieve getting to the top of a climb. Especially a climb called Repo Man. It was pointed out to the team that the Repo Man was the most difficult climb set up on the day, with that said the challenge was set and the Mentors were all geared up to give it a go.

Repo Man a 25m climb in height.  It allows you to go in and discover Melville’s cave on your way up the rock face of Bush Ranges Bluff. It pushed our participants and made them face their fears.  

Then the moment came that one Mentor could be heard saying “I can do this!” and that is when the magic occurred.

The whole team got around and rallied support, offering advice on foot and hand placement, encouraging the individual and cheering so loudly that they may have frighten a few wallabies lurking close by. This encouragement and support inspired our climbers to continue and accomplish the task.

It’s amazing how the mind set can change when filled with positivity, a big thank you to the Climbing Company guides who helped the Cottage staff make this experience such a unique and rewarding time for the Mentors.